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Hybrid Work Model


Offering a GoBe Robot to your employees is an easy way to meet the needs of flexible work. Having your employees make their own decisions as to where, when, and how they work will not only benefit your company, but increase employee satisfaction and productivity.


If done right, the hybrid work model will work in your favor as work-from-home days will be far more productive for your employees. GoBe Present with GoBe Robots!

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Why choose GoBe Robots?

Reduce the need-1
improve employee satisfaction
Attract and retain talent-1
Improve presence and productivity-2
GoBe Robots meeting hybrid work

Adapting to the hybrid work model

As the pandemic winds down, one thing is quite clear: Hybrid work is here to stay. But let’s face it. A lot of social interactions happen when people share a physical space together. When working from home, it is simply harder to keep these social interactions happening.

So how do you adapt as a company? You likely need to build an office that accommodates remote workers who still can engage in regular contact with each other. The answer is simple: With GoBe Robots, you will be able to help your employees work together and participate in social interactions without the need for a regular physical presence at the office.

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Better collaboration between teams

While it is more normal than ever these days to work from home, for many, this comes at the expense of interacting and socializing with colleagues in person. A telepresence robot like GoBe Robots allows you to help your employees navigate remote offices in real-time. In this way, employees can always “be” at the office, catching up on small conversations and joining in on physical meetings.

It has never been easier: A chance to work from home without compromising social interactions. The GoBe Robot enables you to create a remote working environment that optimizes communication and collaboration between colleagues - strengthening connections at the office, and helping teams thrive.

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Advantages of the telepresence technology

The true advantage of the telepresence technology lies in real-time, two-way collaboration between people who aren’t present in the same physical location.

The freedom to move around and interact with co-workers, customers, and business partners adds to the real-time telepresence experience. For this reason, GoBe Robots are highly suited to operate in business environments with multiple offices, remote workforces, or clients in distant locations.

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